Testimonials from
Infinity Energetics
San Jose, CA
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The team is friendly , kind and supportive . They are true alchemists and their kindness emanates in helping my healing journey. Dcc, San Jose, CA 1/20/25
I have been coming to the Energy Center for over six months now. I find the staff very friendly and helpful. I value the energetic therapy for keeping me youthful and pain free. It is so relaxing to enjoy the waves of healing pulsating on my skin. It feels like all the cells in my body are being infused. It feels like an energy spa time! I sleep so well for the rest of the week. Highly recommend people to try it. My brother does the treatments in CO and feels years younger! P.R., San Jose, CA 1/17/25
I've been coming here since June of 2024. I find myself full of energy and in a bright mood after a session. In the past I have suffered with S.A.D. in the Fall and Winter. The depression and fatigue was very debilitating. This is the first year that I show no signs of it and it is life changing for me. Kathleen and staff are friendly and accommodating. The facilities are clean, comfortable, and beautifully decorated. I will continue to come here as it is keeping me healthy in mind, body, and spirit. K. San Jose, CA 1/10/25
Amazing results! I spend the night once a month and am very happy to tell what has happened. I had a gigantic cyst on my right kidney (about half the size of the kidney) and two small cysts on my left kidney. I was getting an ultrasound every six months for my doctor. After six months, there was some shrinkage in the large cyst on the right kidney. After one year, the two smaller cysts are gone (or they couldn't find them!!) and the larger cyst shrank over an inch. My doctor said to keep it up and he no longer orders the ultrasounds after seeing steady improvement. I am in my seventies and have no joint pain or back pain! I very much appreciate Kathleen and the staff who are tender and caring, wanting to help in any way possible. C.K., San Jose, CA 1/6/25
More Testimonials from
Around the World
"I am thrilled to say that the results I have from my sessions with the EESystem include a dramatic increase in clarity of vision. There is no evidence in my vision tests of today of any macular degeneration! In the past, when my vision was tested, there was a large black blob in the center of my field of vision. Now, that black spot is GONE and I can see 20/20!!" Thank you!!
Sara, Massachusetts
I have had one 2-hr session 17 days ago. I gradually noticed the following:
-Restless leg syndrome at night is gone.
-Long time sinus congestion in the morning is cleared.
-Digestive system works so much better.
-Feel more peaceful and heart centered.
-A week ago, I started to wear the medallion that I ordered from EESystem.com.
I can't wait to visit Energy Infusion Room again. Wish we had the system in our town.
W. Wycoff , Mo.
"Shortly after we began wearing our EEMedallions, my husband noticed a reduction of swelling and pain in his knee and knuckles. Also, several of my friends that also received EEMedallions, mentioned that they have less or no pain in their back; one person with terminal cancer said the Medallion was too strong for him and won't wear it (whatever that means) and another with terminal cancer is slightly improved. For me, I developed what may have been some "detox symptoms" (hot, light headedness and nausea) while wearing the Medallion on our return flight to Hawaii, but then the symptoms subsided after we landed."
EEMedallion Client
"My right side sciatica I've been dealing with since working as an electrician, 21 years ago, is 95% resolved, after about 5 hours total in the System! I am so happy! My mother's arthritis pain in her neck is 50% resolved after about 5 hours in the EES. My older sister is much calmer now.
I LOVE my EES!!!"
"I had such a wonderful wonderful nap with beautiful dreams and the peacefulness and the restfulness was nice. The Energy Enhancement System is amazing!!"
Sherry Robinson
"I had such a wonderful wonderful nap with beautiful dreams and the peacefulness and the restfulness was nice. The Energy Enhancement System is amazing!!"
Sherry Robinson
"If someone had told me about the EESystem, I would have immediately dismissed it as bogus. How could a machine--a computer--possibly produce beneficial health effects? I thought the only effects were negative. How wrong I was.
I read a notice on our local news website here on Kauai about a free hour of what I thought would be acupuncture treatment, so I called for my free hour. Turns out the free hour was to sit in a healing energy field of powerful scalar waves, the EESystem. I thought, "Why not. Let's see what happens." This was on the first day this marvelous technology was being offered on Kauai at Alison Ebata's Acupuncture/Health Clinic.
That week I had been diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure (227 over 113). Almost off the charts and way above stroke level. I was 297 pounds. Morbidly obese. The medical recommendation was for immediate admission to the intensive care unit in the hospital for intravenous administration of anti-hypertensive drugs.
I was afraid for my life at this point and had some dark days of fear, depression and panic, pondering my mortality. Would I have a stroke, a heart attack, ruined kidneys? I was really scared, but didn't go to the hospital.
Upon first entering the EESystem, I immediately felt a powerful energy coursing through my arms, and I felt relaxed, like I was in a very good place. My youngest daughter (22 yrs.) was with me for that first free session. She said it felt impossible to have a negative thought while in the EESystem. I agreed.
A few days later, I wisely started blood pressure medications, which I was informed would kick in and begin to be effective in six to eight weeks. My wife and I signed up for 30 two hour EESystem sessions each after hearing Dr. Sandra Rose Michael speak about the miraculous health benefits that were taking place by sitting in the scalar bio-energy fields.
Instead of taking 6-8 weeks, my blood pressure was basically normal 127/91 within SIX DAYS! In addition to the EESystem, I had begun an exercise/diet program and stopped my unhealthy lifestyle.
In four weeks, I lost a total of 40 pounds--10 pounds per week and the weight has stayed off. I have energy now that I haven't had for many years. I can get a lot of work done all day.
I used to have terrible insomnia, sleeping only four hours a night, plus sleep apnea and needing a breathing CPAP machine for almost twenty years. Now I sleep eight hours a night and can sleep without using the breathing machine. I am no longer irritable and excitable, and I eat normal portions of healthy foods, mostly fruits and vegetables with some grains and meat. My life has normalized. I feel great for the first time in many years. I exercise.
Our thirty sessions are over but the health effects remain. We also purchased the scalar energized pendants and are happily getting the benefits of the EESystem wherever we go. I sleep with mine on. We will go back for more sessions.
Another amazing benefit of the EESystem happened about four sessions into our thirty sessions. I had the powerful coursing of healing energy in my arms and hands and I felt the urge to send out the healing energy to my family members in across the ocean in California and elsewhere. So I raised my arms and sent out the healing chi with clear intent of distance healing. Later at home I felt the tingling energy in my hands and arms and sent it out again to my loved ones.
My daughter Heidi is a pre-nursing student at Stanford and Berkeley and had post rape trauma and has had migraine headaches for eighteen years, and had depression and self-loathing. I had specifically sent her some powerful healing energy.
Heidi is not a meditator or into any kind of eastern/energy practice or belief system. She emailed me late one night when I had been sending her the "healing energy"--she didn't know that I was doing this. I didn't tell her. She emailed me that her "third eye had opened" and that her depression totally disappeared after nearly twenty years of therapy and medication. In her words, her "migraines fell of my face." She said she "felt the most love and peace she had ever experienced in her life", and no longer had depression or self hatred, that she became "one with the universe." Heidi's ecstatic healing experience lasted for five hours and is too fantastic and detailed to describe here. She is well now after 18 years of hell. She is healed.
Of course I am continuing to send out healing energy that builds up in me from the EESystem, and I know it is working. I believe the loving healing energy Alison and Dr. Sandra Rose Michael have made available through this technology is the key catalyst in this amazing healing adventure. And this is just the beginning! These are real world results of a proven scientific technology. Keep up the good work Alison and Dr. Sandra Rose! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Tom P. (Juris Doctor, UC Berkeley/UW Madison Schools of Law) Kauai, Hawaii
"Dr. Michael, We thank you everyday for the EES!"
Much Aloha, Alison and Family
"After 6 years of medical attention for cysts on neck and finger, they have reduced in size by 50% after 16 hours in the EESystem."
Gerald Muramoto Kapaa, Kauai
"After 1 year of medical attention for her heart palpitations and constant throbbing and pounding sound in her head, they are gone after 16 hours in the EESystem."
Chiyoko Urabe Lawai, Kauai
"I am 90 years old and have had optic nerve damage to my left eye for over 4 years now.
After 2 sessions (4 hours) with the Energy Enhancement System (EES) I noticed that I could see more out of that eye! It isn't normal yet, but there is definite improvement.
I am seeing more colors now and that is something!
Before sitting in the EESystem, I could barely see outlines of things (out of the left eye) in my home and now I see my lamp, my loveseat, the afghan on it.
I have arthritis in my ankles which aren't necessarily painful, but they swell up and cause me discomfort everyday.
Now, I am not as uncomfortable in my ankles.
To date I have had 6 sessions with Alison Ebata's EES.
I still use a cane but hopefully I will be able to let go of it!
Thank you very much for the work that you do!"
Grace Yamamoto
Chiyoko Urabe Lawai, Kauai
I am 60 years old and in the last 8 years I have had a hysterectomy, oopherectomy (removal of an ovary), breast cancer, colectomy (surgical removal of all or part of the colon). I have ongoing severe spinal osteo-arthritis, perosis (manganese deficiency) and COPD, major depressive disorder, serious anxiety and have had several emergency surgeries. I struggle daily with pain and how to eat and function in the world.
I didn't feel much after the first two sessions. In the third session, I felt deep and wondrous healing and release of years of tension in my arms and upper body. I felt less anxiety, more peace, energy and focus……and sleep. I had much better bowel function. I began to feel deep healing in my spine (there is a large hole in my sacrum that causes chronic deep pain). I was able to sit up straight after this 3 session for the first time in years!
All of the above feelings have lasted longer and longer after each session, and have gone deeper and deeper. It feels as if all my cells are being renewed and that I am "coming alive" after eons of suffering.
Thank you Dr. Michael for this amazing System!"
Alison Ebata, L.Ac., Owner of La’a Lani Kea, Inc. April, 2012
"I have been so, so stressed about my dad being in a long term care facility. I live in Hawaii, he lives on the east coast. I went for another session at the La'a Lani Kea clinic and I like to watch the screen, it energizes me and makes me feel happy inside. I was vascillating between worry and accepting where I am, how and when will I be able to move to be closer to my wonderful dad.
So I just asked God to "please calm me down and do with me what she will, tell me in plain English so that I can hear and understand, please help me feel well so I can help dad and please send tons of healing, kind energy to him".
And then I just went to heaven……poof, out of nowhere, people I love and like, dead and alive, were there in the clinic. They were normal looking, dressed. Lester, my dog came running up to me like he had never left my side, it was so thrilling!!! My body just fell away from me and it was so wonderful to be completely and totally out of pain. All I could feel was overwhelming, really indescribable, love and joy and awe. Everything was pinkish white. I was aware of being in the clinic, but what I was seeing and feeling and absolutely knowing was that I was in Heaven! Then poof, I was looking at the pink and green lines on the monitor again.
The feeling of joy lasted for a few amazing hours! Dr. Michael said that the EESystem works on all levels: physical, emotional, spiritual…. wow, she is right!"
Alison Ebata, L.Ac., May, 2012
After 1 year of medical attention for an open sore/wound on her hand, it has dried and healed over after 16 hours in the EESystem."
Carol Vankeeken Kapaa, Kauai
Dear Dr. Michael,
"I am so glad that I found you and your technology. Your healing skills are a gift to the world! Be Well!"
Joanne Mosley
"Dr. Michael:
There's hope for this World because people like you exist.
God Bless You and Everything that You do!!"
Dr. Michael,
"Sleeping in the chamber was a dreamers paradise. I felt rejuvenated and experienced an internal cleansing for two days. Thanks so very much! I tell everyone I meet about your exciting and life enhancing technology."
"Having known Dr. Michael for many years, I can attest that she is a woman of brilliance and utmost integrity with a genuine interest to help mankind. Her character is impeccable and unparalleled. She is a woman of honor who holds true to her word without fail... As a quantum physicist, I can assure that Dr. Michael's EES generates scalar energy..."
In Truth,
"I have personally experienced Dr. Michael's EESystem and not just speculate, but know that it is effective and positive for good health and wellness. I suffered from a severe knee injury while running down the steep hills of San Francisco. The orthopedic surgeon said that I had no more cartilage in my right knee, that I was too young for knee replacement surgery and that I would never run more than 3 miles again in my life.
As I love running, I naturally searched out alternatives and found the EESystem. After several treatments over the course of 3 months, I was running up to 5 miles at a time without any pain and a year later I ran a half marathon. Regardless if you doubt it's ability to make scalar waves or not, what is important is that it heals! Thank you Dr. Michael for your selfless dedication to the development and implementation of this amazing invention."
"I have had the extreme honor and pleasure of spending MANY hours in this scalar energy system... I can offer testimony that I have PERSONALLY witnessed its' results and, in fact, I am considering purchasing this equipment for my home use. I have referred many others to Dr Michael and they have all ALSO reported back to me about the wonder of the healing they experienced.
I also know for a fact that Dr Michael is the inventor of this scalar energy theory equipment and I have known the people involved with Dr Michael for several years and there isn't ONE person in that group that is not honest, forthright and knowledgeable."
"The edge of science! Cannot wait for this to become common public knowledge, practice and benefit."
Darya Akulshyna, RHB
September 13 "My first experience with the Energy Enhancement (EE) System. I have had this back pain for about 6 weeks prior to attending the EE System session. For the first 30 minutes nothing seemed to be happening. Soon after, I experienced a severe pain on the right side of my head. It was not a constant pain like a headache. It was more of a pulsing pain- like someone poking you with a sharp object. The pain lasted not more than 15-20 seconds. After laying on the recliner for about half an hour longer, we got up to go home. After a few seconds I realized that I could move around with greater mobility, with very little pain in my back- I would say that about 85% to 90% of my back pain diminished. I could twist from side to side and bend over/ down with very little or no pain. From Sept 14th to 19th my back pain subsided more everyday- by the 19th, 100% was gone."
Sept 23-Nov 7 "Whenever we went to J*****'s house for the EE System session, I would maybe urinate once or not at all during the hour we were there. But from Nov 8... until the end of December and continuing, things started to change. I noticed that whenever I attended the EE System session, I would urinate at least 3 times within the hour during the session at J*****"s house. On the way home I usually have to urinate when we stopped at Z***** to pick up dinner. I usually urinate again when we got home from Z*****. I don't usually urinate that much when I am at home. That's about 5 times within a 1 hr 45 minutes to 2 hour period- I noticed the swelling of my feet and legs would go away after the session and the following days. On Nov 12... I started wearing the EE Pendant C***** got me for my birthday.
Nov. 15...- my energy level came up and it is still up until today. I think the EE System got my energy level up by making me urinate more than normal, which in turn brought my swelling of my feet and legs down and the EE Pendant extended my energy level. My understanding is that the excessive urination may be flushing out my internal organs, i. e. kidney and liver. When my feet and legs were normal (not swollen) I would feel good. My feet and legs still get swollen at times but my energy level is still up. I can now do things around the house, like cleaning the screens and windows, changing the electrical plugs, changing the light bulbs, do some touch up painting, ect. All these things I couldn't do for many years because of my lack of energy."
M. A. Hawaii
"I had two moles on my face that were growing larger as the weeks went by, but since attending the EES session once a week, the moles disappeared. The moles are completely gone. I didn't apply any medication or any special lotion on the moles so I can only conclude that this was a result of the EES sessions."
"Dr. Michael, We thank you every day for the EES!"
"Dear Dr. Michael --- Thanks so much for inviting me to join last evening for your presentation. Your speech was very impressive. I am really amazed by the potential of your invention for the good of humanity. I wish that more and more people know about your contribution. I send my warm wishes for your continuing success in reaching your knowledge and empathy out to wider humanity in the days to come."
Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury Former Under-Secretary General and High Representative of the U.N.
"The Energy Enhancement System (E.E.S.), is a new technology that generates a theraputic energy field, (Scalar Wave), that raises the energy level of every cell in the body to its optimum level; (70-90 millivolts), within a two hour therapy session. This is the most extraordinary technology I have seen in twenty years of practice, as an Alternative Health Care Doctor. The results, which have been obtained with this therapy, are quite frankly miraculous."
Dr. James D. deBoer
"Since attending the Energy Enhancement System session once a week, for an hour, I can hoestly say that this system helped me a lot as far as boosting my energy level.There are a lot of things I can now do which I wasn't able to do for several years. I wasn't able to do a simple task like changing a light bulb because I would lose my balance on the ladder. I can now do everyday tasks to run a home which I couldn't do for several years prior to my attending the Energy Enhancement System"
"When the first 15 times I had been in the scalar system, I was lit up like a 1000 watt light bulb. The EESystem has a cumulative effect. I had a terrible backache from an injury. Half way through a 2-1/2 hour session the back pain was gone. That pain had previously prevented me from putting on my socks. Whnenever I spend time in the chamber I experience more humanness--more of my spiritual being. It allows me to operate at peak performance. It allows me to feel physically stronger every time. I am aware of more mental clarity. My mother had an extraordinary experience. As a young woman fleeing the Nazi presecution, she got severe frostbite. She experienced extreme circulatory problems leading to many other problems. Recently she was rushed to the hospital with digestive failure. She not able to eat and couldn't be stabilized. The worse was feared for her survival. With no other options available we put her in the EESystem, but thinking might be too late. Afer the first 5-minutes she was free of pain. She was able to eat for days afterward and continued to improve when she spent time in the system. She has a new lease on life."
Doug Ivanovih, Professional boadcaster and keynote speaker for the National Broadcasting Association.
National Broadcasting Association
"I have had painful consistent leg cramps, and after time in the EESystem my leg cramps are less severe. I can now walk comfortably!"
B.C., age 76
"For the last 40 years I have been involved with the self-actualization and self awareness aspects of expanding consciousness. . . After the cumulative 8-hours that I spent in the EESystem . . . about three days later, I felt a profoundly deep feeling of peacefulness . . . and evolved into an extraordinary felt-sense that I was Essence itself."
Jeb Barton, Personal Guide, Counselor for People Involved in Advanced Studies in Consciousness
"Having retired from an increasingly stressful and difficult teaching job, I was looking forward to an active and busy life. At sixty I was badly hit by polymyalgia (PMA), an autoimmune disease, possibly triggered by stress or an accident. It affects muscle groups, particularly the pelvic girdle and the shoulders, neck and arms. It can be extremely painful and debilitating to the extent that dressing, walking, even eating and sleeping is an ordeal. For me, after five years . . . walking difficult, neck throat and shoulder muscles swollen and painful, and swallowing food often hazardous. After two treatments of two hours and two single hour sessions over a period of two weeks in the EESystem I decided to risk some real action for the first time in five years. I spent a wonderful day wheel barrowing one and a half tons of rock across a sloping and wet piece of land and throwing the stone on the top of a seven foot bank. The next morning this was followed by half a ton of concrete slabs and 200 granite blocks." Thank you,
Greenslades, England
"I am 72 years old and a lot of my friends are telling me how much more radiant and younger I look. . . .I am much happier and have a lot more energy."
Elizabeth Huddleson
"YES! I have experienced the scalar energy power: Do you like getting "high?" Do you dis-like taking drugs? Then scalar energy is the way to go. The gentlest, kindest, and most pervasive experience I've ever had, other than melting in an outdoor hot-mineral pool in the middle of a snowstorm with a best bunch of buddies. Why not."
Transmute Now
"The EESystem is a new technology that generates a therapeutic energy field that can raise the energy level of every cell in the body to its optimum level (70-90 millivolts) within a 2-hour session. This is the most extraordinary technology that I have seen in 20 years of practice as an Alternative Health Care Doctor. The results, which have been obtained with this therapy, are quite frankly miraculous!" "The EES will significantly assist your body in repairing and healing what's wrong."
Dr. James DeBoer, DC
Spine Institute, Palm Springs, CA
"I was delightfully surprised to know that the EESystem had such a profound and fast effect on the blood! I observed that 70% of the blood opened from having been stagnated and aggregated. The other 30% showed signs of detoxification."
Dr. Alvita Soleil, OMD
"In thirty years I have never seen anything running on computers that will provide beneficial side effects. However, after looking at the EESystem technology for over one year, there are no flaws or deception of any type. There appears to be some form of inter-dimensional or high super scalar energy being generated, which when a person sits in a room with the EESystem technology running, their entire life force improves. After I personally sat in an EESystem room, I felt very revitalized, refreshed, invigorated and relaxed."
Jack Shulman, Physicist, Computer Scientist
"I wanted to let you know the results of Lacy's test after her first two hours in the EESystem at the Enhancement Institute, in Houston. The results are as follows: Lacy's Lupis is now in remission, her pancreas count was 519 before the experience and it is now 92. Her doctor told her that he feels she will not need the pancreas operation. Thank you for you kind and generous help." Blessings to you,
"All life is energy, Optimize that energy and you optimize your health. Charge your body with the right frequencies and you prevent disease."
Jon Barron, Author
"EESystem not only supports people to go into deep meditation, it also activates the deep spiritualizing force of the Cosmic Energy."
Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD
"I just wanted to update you as to the results of my visit to your booth. As you know from our conversations, I was diagnosed with Gangrene on my right toe in February as the result of infection to a Diabetic ulcer that occurred when I aggravated a blister I received from jogging. That was in February of 2007. As of Saturday when I left for your booth the wound was still open and oozing blood, just as it had for 10 months. The toe had a hole in the bottom the size of a dime that would not scab over at all. By Monday it had a scab. The entire wound has shrunk to a 1/8 inch diameter and a new layer of skin has moved in already to fill the gap. Today, just five days later, the wound is completely healed over with a scab that is actually ready to release to new skin! I mean that it is "Healed" completely! My hands and feet felt less pain for several days, but the numbness has returned. I literally tried every wives' tale remedy in the book to get my foot to heal as well as all of the pharmaceutical medicines prescribe by my doctor with NO results. Your EESystem is phenomenal! The Aegis committee has agreed to purchase 2,000 24-computer packages for our construction of the new facilities worldwide." Warmest Regards,
"Thank you, Michael. I’m putting an EESystem at the top of my list. I would like to set up an anti-aging/rejuvenation office here in Santa Fe based on the results I had – 15 hours over 5 days – in a 24 unit EESystem. However, at this point my own health is very urgent and I have spent many many 1000’s of dollars in the last 12 months and need to re-coup financially. I do feel I would benefit from much more of the EESystem energy field. It was quite remarkable and at the time of “treatment” I improved up to 50% and felt like my old self. Have regressed since being in the system daily, and will set my sites on a home installation as soon as possible." Warm regards,
10/29/08 "We successfully installed the 8 unit system yesterday at my farm and I slept in the EESystem last night, on the new moon. This morning, I feel like I have slept for a 100 years and walked around my farm feeling a total connection with every single plant, tree, bird and blade of grass.I feel like there is nothing in my life that could ever be a problem. WOW!!" 11/7/08 "We now have the EESystem at my farm and we are all noticing the energy both in the EESystem, and also in the plants and animals around the vicinity. Yesterday, we had 2 massive eagles hovering low, just over the room with the EESystem in it, this is unusual for eagles and they can obviously sense the energy."
David Still, Australia
"I spent 2 hours in the EESystem today. This has been the fourth time I have experienced the energy. Each experience has been very different. Today I was taken to a very deep space where I was more relaxed than I’ve ever been at any time. I was so relaxed that I felt I was floating on endless, joyful waves of love. I felt like I could have stayed there forever. Just before leaving when I looked at the beautiful sacred geometry paintings at David’s home I felt deeply moved by them. Something was being ignited within me. I have always loved sacred geometry but I have never had such an experience of being brought to tears by their awesomeness. I am looking forward to spending more time in the chamber and taking the time to truly enter into the sacred geometry portals. Since my first visit into the EESystem 3 weeks ago I have been visited by some wonderful spiritual beings who have offered their assistance and who are eager to have us humans use their energies for the good of all on planet Earth. I have being guided to do special energy work at different power spots on the planet which I am very excited about. I believe the EESystem has opened me up to so much more of myself as well as my spiritual connections. The peace, deep relaxation and overall cruisiness seems to be accumulative. The energy seems to stay with me and builds up each time I go into the chamber."
Carol Anne Roberts, TFT - Theta Healing practitioner / trainer
7/2/07 "My Heart Ejection Fraction since February of 2006 has gone from near or less than 20% to close to 40% to 50%. My doctors are both shocked..." "I give credit to God for this remarkable recovery and for the EES technology he has allowed you to use with me."
Fred Risker, Texas
"I am thrilled to say that the results I have from my sessions with the EESystem include a dramatic increase in clarity of vision. There is no evidence in my vision tests of today of any macular degeneration! In the past, when my vision was tested, there was a large black blob in the center of my field of vision. Now, that black spot is GONE and I can see 20/20!!" Thank you!!
Sara, Massachusetts
"I was in a state of disbelief when told that two hours had passed! Now, I'm incredibly rested. A lot of negative feelings (anxiety, for example) have presently dissipated. It feels as though the negative feelings have 'gone' somewhere outside me, not that they are just suppressed. Since my last session I feel more frequent times of calm during the day, and a dull pain left from an automobile injury seems to have gone. "
F. S., Lenox
"I feel great results from my first treatment, including increased sensation in my feet and some feeling as though my balance is restored, which is really remarkable. I have tried many, many things, including acupuncture, relexology, and several kinds of massage, and nothing has make even a whit of difference."
K., Vermont
"My left knee was sore, now there is an absence of pain when I exercise. My jogging performance improved: I jogged 4 min. faster and my heartbeat was 3 min. slower."
D. K., age 47
"Before my experience in the EES, I was in a state of depression. The depression is less intense now. I feel more hopeful."
P. W., age 46
"I fell on lava rock and my knee was black and blue. When I was in the EES, I could feel the healing in my knee. It's like the cells were vibrating!"
Linda Lumeria, Hawaii
"I've had a neurological disorder and my tremors have reduced. My body feels expanded rather than contracted."
P. T., age 51
"I had acute muscle spasm on my right shoulder which was painful. In the EES, I felt the muscle spasm break up as though little spiders in the form of energy were coming out of the pain."
Pamela Phares
"I could feel heat all over my body. My intention was to find something to write about. I got a message in minutes. That month I wrote 70 poems for children! The poems were pouring out of me!"
"I cried to release childhood patterns of fear."
Deb West-Wu
"Before my experience in the EES, I was in a depression. The depression is not as intense now. I feel more hopeful."
Peter Wu
"I used to be withdrawn, now I am more social."
Cindy Bangs
"My intuition has increased and my clarity heightened."
Diane Swift
"I feel more grounded, present in my body, relaxed, and more peaceful."
Sue Omally
"I felt like I had been meditating for hours, experiencing feelings of bliss and inner peace."
Maura Hoffman
"I was able to experience the EESystem. I skied the weekend before my session and I had tweaked my knee. In just 15 min. from being in the EES I felt a shift. I didnot feel the pull that I gave my knee!"
Ryn, Radio host
"In the center of the EESystem, the outline of my body disappeared and I was sitting there in Super Consciousness. Afterwards, a man told me he could see an enormous light around me!"
Actress Linda Gray, 'Dallas' Television Series
"I just had my annual physical and my referral doctor told me that my possible cancerous lesions were healing themselves and would soon drop off."
Tenney Farragher
"I have been a Naturopath for almost 10 years now and have been using the bio-impedance machine to measure the cellular health (muscle mass, fat levels, cellular vitality, cellular toxicity, fluid balance and biological age) of my patients over that entire time. One thing I have noticed is that the results can be very difficult to improve without radical dietary and lifestyle changes.
We [my wife and I] have obviously been testing ourselves with this technology for a long time and this is the first time I have seen dramatic improvements in our cellular health in such a short time. Both our results blew me away.
My biological age has reduced from 35.4 to 25 yrs (actual age 39) in two treatments and my wife got 3.8 years younger in 2 hours!"
John Nankivell, Naturopath, Kingscliff NSW Australia
Person came in today. Male, late 60's, retired professor of materials science and engineering/electrical engineering - University of Penn. Referred by a chiropractor coming for EES & massage.
Diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer, right lung fills with fluid, wears a drain; extreme weight loss. Emergency hospital visit 7 days ago to aspirate lung. Chronic cough every 20 seconds due to shortness of breath. In 10 days ,he begins participation in a clinical study by Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia... Phase III Chemoprevention Trial of Selenium Supplementation in Persons with Resected Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. He's had 2 surgeries. Next stage traditional treatment is chemotherapy. He's choosing options to chemo.
After the 2 hr. session, he describes a visual and sensation of his right lung lower lobe, black and congested. The black begins to disperse, fills and expands with white. Small pockets within the lower lobe begin to emit small puffs of air. The density is replaced with a light feeling.
After showing him the live blood samples from Sarasota, he states he understands the sensation and visual of his experience is related to the cellular structure becoming more permeable allowing oxygen exchange. His cough became quieter. What he saw in the live blood samples (before and after EES) is actually how he felt before and after the 2 hr. EES session today.
Session Intake Form: Before: anxiety. During: Warmth, Peace, Took a Nap, Hearing Rainforest Sounds, Active Dream State, Mind Quieted, Visualization of healing of lower right lobe of lung. After: More Energy, Feeling Intense Joy, Clearing of Panic Attack
He's returning Friday for a series of 5 sessions prior to the clinical study. He's due for routine bloodwork tomorrow.
Huna Mua Wellness ~ Philadelphia, PA
"In a matter of moments, it takes you into a deeper meditation state thus the same as Tibetan Monks, whom have the ability to arrive at these deep delta states very quickly."
"Also, the normal 60 cycle hum that you would find coming from electrical circuits have been transmuted. Within a two-mile surrounding area of the technology, there is no longer the 60 cycle frequency that is detrimental to human health. Its been transmuted to other frequencies. This is a revolutionary technology that needs to be further explored for its potential for healing. This is amazing. This is truly amazing!"
John Orava, Brain Research Specialist, Physicist, Pentagon Pattern Energy Consultant, Consultant to the Dept. of Defense, and President of the Bio-Physicist Foundation
Pentagon Pattern Energy Consultant
"We give you an energetic lift. We have an amazing well-care facility here and it's the only one in Southern California, where we use a system that articulates the cellular language, which we use to talk to your cellular DNA and help restructure it and help rehydrate the cells and rebalance them ionically so they're younger & healthier."
"Consequently, this technology helps the cells that aren't so healthy get passed out of your system. This bio-scalar invention is the closest to an anti-aging machine known to mankind. It's a healing machine and there are reports of it that I certainly will not discount because I've seen some amazing things where it has helped many of my patients with their physiological challenges."
"My partner that works with me, Dr. Charles, is a skeptic and also a scientist. He sat in the room for the 1st time and claimed to not feel anything but when he walked out of the room, he stopped dead in his tracks & said: 'It's gone!' and we exclaimed what's gone Charles? He said. 'the ringing in my ears'. We re-imagined him and looked at his energy & he had this explosion of energy of something that came from deep in his past & so we questioned him. Charles did something happen to you? This would have been the route cause of this ringing in your ears. Can you think of something that would have been a trauma in your past that might have been a hard bat at your head? Charles replied: 'Yeah, I was a teenager when I got mugged. Somebody came up with brass knuckles & whacked me upside the head and I was knocked out.' However, the ringing in his ears did not develop until years later."
Dr. Thom E. Lobe, Beneveda Medical Group, Childrens Oncology Group, British Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Society of Surgical Oncology, Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, The American Gastroenterological Association, American Academy of Medical Hypnosis, American Society of Law, Medicine, & Ethics, American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, and Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS)
American Academy of Medical Hypnosis
"I had a very agitated patient in for a pre/post quantative EEG after exposure to the EESystem. As a result of his flustered state, I was only able to get him to stay for a 45-minute session. However, according to his queue, it is evident why he was so disturbed because he had very little alpha with his eyes closed and alpha is something we should have with our eyes closed and you will see where you stand with that particular frequency on the quantative EEG color printouts. It was amazing, that in just 45 minutes, how his brain began to normalize in this room (EES Chamber)."
Dr. Nancy White, Owner & Director of the Enhancement Institute and Licensed Psychologist & Marriage & Family Therapist
"This wonderful room (EESystem Chamber) has the most fabulous energy & this is a healing energy because it brings you back to the natural state of where your cells heal and it is an energy that helps your body heal. The energy itself doesn't heal your body but it gives you the extra energy for your body to heal itself. This is a room where a lot of people can sit and it's not specifically where I'm going to be working on you and all of the sudden you'll have the AH-HA moment, but simply being in here your going to calm down and then as you get quiet, these things will come up for you."
"The healing that I got coming in the 1st time was remarkable. I was here for a 2-hour session and the time went by so quick. I got up and left and thought, wow! I sure feel good and I could feel the energy racing around my body and it made me feel really good and energized. I thought to myself, this feels great. Next, I went home, went to sleep and didn't think much about it, but in the morning when I got up; I started to put my shoes on and I noticed something different about my toe. I had had a little tiny wart on the end of my 2nd toe on my left foot that I've been trying to get rid of for close to a year using every suggested remedy without success. And when I woke up to put on my shoe, it wasn't there. It was there the day before when I put my shoe on to come in here, but the cells healed and I couldn't even find a little scar from where it was and so I thought this is fabulous. I didn't have to do a damn thing. All I had to do was show up! And that is the secret in life, you just have to show up and be willing. When you come into this room; you align yourself with this energy and it's an effortless way for you to heal. You simply allow, you don't resist, and you don't put static on the radio; in here you're just open and you're allowing the healing to come through and it does and people feel better. You can feel the technology energizing you but you'll also notice different physiological things that begin to happen."
"Let me also tell you about a disabled friend of mine, who is clinically physically disabled and she has lots of pain. She came to stay and visit me for the week and also accompanied me several times to the Institute during the week while I was doing my work. She has been my best friend since we were 10 years old. She was a very active person growing up and it was not until about ten years ago that all this stuff started happening to her health. The 2nd day that she was in this room (EESystem Chamber) and when we got back to the house she said, 'I just cut my medication in half!' And I mean this woman keeps the pharmaceutical companies happy because they initiate something for every symptom; no cause - just symptom. In the 8 days that she was here and when she left she said, 'My pain is virtually non-existent!' It was her really being in this room and so the vibrations have measurable physical effects when people don't have to take medication because the resistance in their body is what pain is; some blockage somewhere has opened with no effort. She is not a person that can go and do certain kinds of exercises because it would be excruciating but just being in here was perfect. So this works for people with virtually any level of physical ability. If they can get into the elevator and get in this room, they're going to be helped."
Karen White, Enhancement Institute & Alpha Theta Therapist
"I feel that we are now in a time in this world where we need to be treating 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 people at a time, trying to elevate their vibrational frequencies to their highest possible extent and regenerate their entire energy. That is the reason why I came to investigate the energy enhancement system. After compiling all the research for some time, I feel that this is the answer that I've been looking for. Even if the person does not know their diagnosis; is not aware of what's going on, but knows that they are not in harmony with themselves – they will benefit from exposure to the EESystem."
Dr. Gurudey Ballesteros
"The benefits are physiological and these have been measured and the benefits are also emotional and so it's entirely possible for a person to come in here, lay out in meditation and have a profound experience."
Dr. Leonard Richards, Managing Director of the Enhancement Institute
"I have been practicing meditation for over 30 years...within 8 minutes or less, I noticed a shift in my etheric body and things continued for the next 2 hours."
"I have much less pain than before the technology."
"The proven EESystem technology behind our product line could be the most profound discovery ever in the field of nutritional supplements! This EEProcess in a nutshell, embeds an energy signature in our products allowing them to work faster, absorb better and produce stronger results."
"I was at a prayer meeting for healing that was very powerful and then I came to the EESystem chamber and found the same healing energy here. I asked the Lord Jesus in prayer about this miraculous technology and he said, 'Every good gift comes down from the Father of Heavenly lights'."
Renee Faircloth – Sarasota, FL
"I'm an individual who suffers with Degenerative Disc Disease and since sleeping in the EES room, all my back pain has ceased. I can feel the technology working with my body to help regenerate it and I finally have the feeling of deep satisfaction that I'm on the road to better health."
"I am a massage therapist and I have recently discovered the effects of my clients that have experienced the Energy Enhancement System. Everyone appears brighter, clearer, taller with more vitality, skin has more color and elasticity, eyes are more wide open, they express a greater sense of well-being and are quite content with a lighter touch versus their usual deep tissue massage. All of this physical health and wellness improvement after just 2 hours in an EESystem room! They just sit and smile and I'm amazed of the results that I'm seeing."
K., Pennsylvania
"Finally, after trying many remedies to cure my loose bowels, they have stopped! I'm more energetic while sleeping lighter and less. Despite much wine and goat cheese, the GERD ceased, my belly is less bloated (the bloat appeared within the past 2 months) and I feel like I'm in a constant delta state. Since being a chemical formulator for 15 years, working with solvents, polymers, resins, pigments as well as titanium and zinc, I have much to detox. This technology is the answer to my prayers!"
"Dufuss the Cat – Sunday he was limping and favoring his left rear hip. His upper hips are protruding, lower hip at femur head protruding, and very tender with discomfort. Mon/Tues/Wed. morning we went into the EES room for one hour each day. Wednesday afternoon, he was more active, less tender, more balanced, and eating well. His eyes are brighter and his brother, the Big Boy, was in the EES with us this morning and we are looking forward to seeing his behavioral and/or weight change!"
Diane C., Maryland
"My family suffers from Lymes disease and a friend told me that there was going to be an Open House where I could bring my family to check out the new energy in our area. After my session, I could feel the vibrations on my face. Some pain came up during my detox that only lasted temporarily. However, two days later my eye twitches had ceased and I felt peaceful and happy. My 7-year old son also experienced profound results. My son, before trying the Energy Enhancement System, his skin was a grayish tone and he had very little energy. After a 2-Hour period in the technology his cheeks became rosey, his skin was colored and more vibrant, and he wanted to run around in the yard when we got home. It was an absolute fabulous experience!"
Linda R., Pennsylvania
"My first time in the EES, I felt like I was spinning. My whole body was buzzing with excitement!"
Jeff, Virginia
"I had intense fear before trying the Energy System. However, figuring the possibility of my barriers to unresolved past trauma disappearing was worth a shot. I could not believe how fast my energy cleared and yes, the barriers came down. All the dark images of my past that I had deeply suppressed finally came to the surface. I felt empowered and was given the strength/(energy) to face these fears."
Karen K., Connecticut
“I’m a regular massage client and the 1st time that I experienced the technology during my session changed the definition of massage to me forever! The room whited out and I felt an angelic presence. My body began to release an odor and I could feel myself easily going into a delta state. Afterwards, I felt vibrant, balanced, and quick polarity that held strong, which was very unusual for me. I saw a myriad of images passing by at the end and never felt better in my life!”
Patti S., Rhode Island
“A big holiday in the course of a long winter. Being in the chamber was like taking a holiday – like all my cares and worries are no longer important and don’t impinge on anything. My bladder has always run my life, and for the first time in a matter of 2 hours, I didn’t have to pee! The technology made it easier to have consciousness without content.”
Satisfied Client, United Kingdom
"On a Sunday morning, my lovely 12-year old daughter, Kaitlyn, was getting a migraine (or bad headache, she seems to get them each month as she prepares for physical maturity, and she is usually out for the day, and very uncomfortable). Anyway, she was the most resistant of the kids to 'guru' stuff, and was not keen on the chamber (unlike the other kids who had all tried it and loved it)!"
"But Kait was in a bad way, and had a big party scheduled to go to in the afternoon, so Kelli gave her water and put her in the chamber for a sleep. When she came out she was really quiet, then had some fruit and came with the other kids and me around the property looking for places for a rope swing."
"At one stage, in amongst the forest she grabbed me and said, 'Dad, I feel amazing'. I think it's the whole brain coordination thing (which is why it's so effective with things like Dementia, Bi Polar etc)."
"She said the same thing to Kelli and went off to have a great day! This made me very very happy."
Still Plantation, Brisbane
"Ever since experiencing an EESession, I've been waking up an hour before my alarm and feeling more rested than ever before. And my days are way less stressful and my life is finally manageable. Everybody has got to try this!"
Dr. John Barnwell, PhD
"I felt so relaxed in the chamber that I fell asleep. And since then, I've had no troubles sleeping through the night. In fact, now when I wake up, I feel better than I have in years. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Elisabeth Stephen, Winnipeg, MB
Recently Awarded:
"Qi Technology of the Year"
The Qigong Grandmaster exclaims, "Today is the Future that we have been waiting for!"
"The healing is remarkable and the warmth of love that comes is outstanding. What a wonderful gift!"
Linda Heming, President – Consumers for Healthcare Options, Independence, Choice, and Experience
"I have never ever become so relaxed. I have personally meditated over 60 years and can take myself into a state of consciousness at a deep relaxing level, but Sandra's technology has gone beyond that. I was able to relax like never before at that deep state of consciousness. I was able to activate my cells at the cellular level and get such passion and energy as never before. As a doctor, I believe that stress is one of our biggest killers, although we don't read about it in the obituary column. It's the killer that hides behind many of our chronic ailments, diseases, and death. The Energy Enhancement System relaxes your stress and activates your life force to get you to start living again!"
~ Dr. Bob Delmonteque - Being a Naturopathic doctor, I became a doctor of the stars taking care of such celebrities as: Clark Gable, James Dean, Marlon Brandon, & Matt Dillon just to name a few.
"I left the EES in a wonderful frame of mind."
Nancy Owens
"The work that I've done in the technique of allergy elimination led me to an experiment where I took a bottle of water that was charged in the energy field of the EESystem and tested it against three different bottles, which were all unmarked so I could not identify the differences in the acute subjects. After performing a simple muscle test, I could always find the one that had been charged in the scalar system, it was so easy! I am convinced that a many number of techniques have been very much enhanced by being in that energy field and I think all of you or most of you will experience a little bit of relaxation and a sensation of timelessness. I mean you just don't want to leave because you don't think you've been there very long. When in fact, you have been there a lot longer than you think!"
Dr. Roger Valentine, MS, DVM, NMD
I usually do not respond to things, but what happened to my Mother over the last month has been nothing short of miraculous.
On Sep 15 2009, my mother (78) was taken to the hospital for acute abdominal pains. She has also been diagnosed as having an irregular heart beat but was controlling this with medication, blood thinner and blood pressure medications. Needless to say she was taking too many prescriptions.
She was immediately quarantined. It turns out she had the dreaded Swine Flu and double pneumonia.
Several more days pass and the doctors and nurses have done a great job and weaned her off all her prescriptions, plus got the flu cycling quickly to the point that they sent her home in my fathers care. After being home for only 2 hours, my mother's fever spiked. Back to hospital. This time the doctors put her in ICU and stabilized once again. Two days later she was sitting in the chair in her hospital room and suddenly collapsed. My mother's heart suddenly stopped beating.
The nurse came and started CPR They continued for 4 minutes until her heart started beating again. Once she was stable, the doctors decided they needed to put a stint in and a temporary pacemaker so they could control the heart rate.
On October 3 2009, I arrived to visit my mom and as I approached, in all that I had heard from my sisters in details of the events did not prepare me for the sight of her in that ICU room with all the tubing and monitors. She was alert and fortunately there had been no brain damage even though she was out for 4 minutes. We had a warm and very pleasant exchange.
We brought my mom one of the EEMedallion's that had been charged with the Scalar Technology. Her resting heart rate was 83 bpm when I arrived. I placed the EEMedallion around my Mother's neck and within two minutes her heart rate climbed up to 101. Not realizing what was happening as we sat around and enjoyed each other's company. I had put the EEMedallion around her neck around 11:30 am. At 4 pm a doctor came in with two nurses to run an EKG. After going through the procedure they said that the pacemaker was set at 80 so it would only activate when her heart rate went below 80, but her heart rate had stayed right at 100 since I had placed the Medallion around her neck. The doctor told me this 100 bpm is a healing heart rate and that my mother's heart seemed to be maintaining the healing heart rate by itself. On Monday the 5th they did an MRI and the results were, and I quote, "That is an image of a perfect heart". On the 7th they sent my mother home once again but this time she is doing very well. The doctors even suggested that she did not need the medications that she had been taking for years.
I thank you Dr. Sandra for I believe that the frequencies that radiate from that EEMedallion is helping to keep my mothers heart balanced.
My next step is to get her into an EESystem asap.
Once again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my mother's heart.
Steve Kinder
After putting the EEBodyGear Medallion on, I noticed a quick boost in my energy & stamina. Still skeptical, however, I discontinued use for about 2 weeks because I was taking new supplements & attributed them to my instant energy jolt instead of the Medallion. Realizing soon into the 15th day, I decided to put the Medallion back on and it's amazing the dramatic difference & the effects that it had on my sluggish body, which perked right back up again. Now, I never take it off and I'm enjoying a much deeper sleep & sleeping all the way through the night!
George Anthony Walters, Truck Driver - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
For a M.D. discussion of the EESystem applications & relevant medical case studies, please click the YouTube Video link below for Dr. Gregory Gerber, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physician, Past Chief of Internal Medicine & Medical Director at Memorial Hospital System, Houston, TX.
I wanted to let you know the results of Lacy's test after her first two hours in the EESystem at the Enhancement Institute, in Houston. The results are as follows: Lacy's Lupis is now in remission, her pancreas count was 519 before the experience and it is now 92. Her doctor told her that he feels she will not need the pancreas operation.
Thank you for you kind and generous help.
Blessings to you,
Camille - Houston, TX,/p>
I received my medallion in the mail today and about 30 seconds after I put it around my neck I started to feel something. COOL. I will be ordering some more real soon for Christmas gifts.
John - Alabama
I first want to tell you about my experience with the EE System. I had an overall sense of well-being during the session and again when I woke up the next morning. This feeling as I would compare it to, is after I got my Qigong certificate for teaching and had done Qigong for hours. When I started driving home I noticed my hearing had greatly improved. In fact, the truck noise seemed so loud it was hurting my ears. Later, I went shopping and I had put my glasses on, when I looked in a distance things were blurry. At first, I thought what is wrong with my glasses? Then, I thought this is what Fred said happened to him. I was very thirsty the rest of the day and had to empty my bladder a lot. The same thing happens when I have the IV vitamin C. I took a bath when I got home with sea salt from the Dead Sea. About 20 minutes after I got out of the bath my right hip and leg started aching very badly. For many years my right hip would ache like a tooth ache. After going through much time with this pain, I went and had the mercury and lead detoxed out of my system and the pain went away. I even told my doctor's nurse about it. She said the mercury could have settled in my hip. I think the pain I was having must have been related to some kind of detox. The pain had stopped in the morning. I slept like a log. I normally wake up twice to go to the restroom. I didn't move all night. Also, my PH level was 9 the next morning. The only time it had been higher than 7.5 was the week after the caviation it was an 8.
The next day I went to my doctor's office for the result of my breast culture. I had a staphylococcus infection. He tested 12 antibiotics to see which one would work for my infection. He had also done a CBC with differential/platelets. He was happy with my white blood count and could tell from the report the infection was not all thru my body.
I think what I learned from the whole infection process is if you have pain or discharge in the breast you should get yourself checked immediately. I'm thankful to my doctor and to the EE System for assisting my body to help fight off the infection.
EE System Client – Clyde, NC
"Coming into our wellness center was a 43-year old man diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and for the last 8 months he has not had use of his left hand. As an electrician by trade, he has not been able to work either. However, after sitting in the EESystem for only 2 hours he began to show improvement. He was able to grasp and hold a pair of scissors, a pen and a fork all with his left hand, something that he had not been able to do for the past 8 months. Even after 2 weeks since his experience with the technology, he still has the use of his left hand."
Brenda Kinder – Clyde, NC
I would like to share what has happened to me in the past week. I'm an advocate for enhancing my health with weight training. However, I'm not a fan of the discomfort involved with getting back into the swing of things after a 5 to 6 week layoff. At this point, because of my work load and travel schedule, I realized that I had not been into the gym in the past 6 weeks. I knew that I had to get back in there and I dreaded the pain resulting from that first work out. It's not really the work out that is so uncomfortable; it is the lactic acid your body produces as a result of the heavy loading of the muscles.
The first day I went in and did a full regiment of leg exercises, from leg presses to extensions and curls plus calves and trunk exercises. When I say full regiment, I mean a complete cycle such as, loading each body part the same way. With each different exercise, I started at a medium weight for my comfort level and performed 12 reps then I rested 30 to 45 sec. Continuing the cycle, I increased the weight and reduced the reps performed down to 10 and rested for 45 sec and so on. This cycle regiment loads the whole grouping of muscles to the same intensity level. After running this cycle in the early AM, working all day, I then relaxed in our EESystem for 2 hours. The next day, I noticed that I was not experiencing any lactic acid, no discomfort that I had so dreaded. I laid off the weights for the day and I did one more 2-hour session in the system that evening, which resulted in no discomfort from the weight training.
On the third day, I did the same cycle with upper body including: chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps and worked for about 15 minutes on my trunk. Once again, I sat in the system in the evening and then again the next morning with no ill effects of lactic acid.
I can't begin to imagine the positive ramifications of this technology in the NFL or in the sports medicine industry. I for one believe that this Bio-Scalar technology could take a team to the next level. Not to mention taking everything to its highest potential.
Steve Kinder – Clyde, NC
Dear Dr. Sandra Michael:
I would like to convey my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to you.
Recently, I had the opportunity to spend 2 hours in your EESystem in Las Vegas. Prior to that time, I had experienced daily, what I believed to be the onset of Parkinson's,or a serious deterioration of my nervous system due to being electrocuted at 23 years of age. This has also been a hereditary condition on my father's side for 3 generations to which doctors really did not know what it was…they said it was not Parkinson's but they did not know what it was either, and it seemed to get worse after my accident. Either way, every year that passed, my hands began to shake more and more and I was told that there was nothing that could be done for my condition and that it would get worse. I spent 2 hours in your 8-unit system and after my experience in your technology, I have not had any problems with my hands shaking. It's been 27 days...I'm counting them...and my nervous system feels in sync again and my hands don't shake. Also, a few years ago, I had a dot appear on my retina that obstructed my view and since being in your technology it has disappeared, thus allowing me to think clearer without that minor but constant irritation. You have my vote for the Nobel Prize and thank you, thank you very much Dr. Michael!
Warm regards,
Erik Powers CEO
Powers International Inc.
"I'm a LPN and I've been trying different things to enhance my well-being and just recently I discovered the medallions that are supposed to support your body with pain relief, give you protection from detrimental fields and that sort of thing. I have to say that hands down that I'm so glad that I ordered a rose quartz piece for both me and my cat. I am naturally sensitive to energy and I could tell right away that this pendant was the real deal. My 14-yr old cat, Aurora, has been dealing with kidney problems for a little while and though I thought that the medallion would help her, I did not expect these kind of results. Shortly after both Aurora & I began to wear our medallions, she started to secrete some fluid from her eyes. I attributed this to detox and I gave her some probiotics to help the process along. About two weeks later, I took her to see our veterinarian and I was so moved to tears that I cannot explain. My vet said that Aurora is fine and that kidney surgery was no longer necessary! I'm so happy and I feel that these medallions not only gave me a better sense of well-being, but that they also saved the life of one of my best friends. Aurora & I thank you and wish you many blessings for the future!"
T. Miller – Ketchikan, AK
My dad has neuropathy and high blood pressure problems. For his birthday, I decided to purchase him a scalar pendant charged by the Energy Enhancement System and in hopes that it would help him. Initially, I tried to explain all the benefits that his new birthday present possesses, but I could see in his body language that he was not ready to hear everything about it. With that being said, I decided to reserve all other comments regarding the health benefits until a later point in time. About a week went by and he called me to let me know that something had happened! He just returned from seeing his family doctor and as it turns out that his blood pressure is the lowest that he has seen it in a long time. He explained further that he went for a walk with his neighbor the day before and did not feel the pain that normally results from such an activity. In this phone call to me, his mind was open and he said that he has not felt this good in quite awhile. He thanked me for such a wonderful gift and asked for the information to purchase more.
M. Suzanne – Ocala, FL
Several months ago, after utilizing an unsuccessful adult hormone therapy program, I noticed that my hair started to come out and was thinning quite dramatically. However, it was not long after my husband & I had the EESystem installed that my hair started to look healthy, fuller/thicker and very beautiful. I'm highly impressed with the complements that I've received regarding my hair and it's new youthful vibrance! I would highly recommend this technology to everyone and especially to those looking to tap into their very own Anti-Aging Fountain of Youth!
EESystem Client
A truly amazing result! Coming in to experience the technology for the first time is one of our new diabetic clients and he found this hyper-healthy energy enriched room to be a wonderful therapeutic session to lower his blood sugar level! Before going into the EESystem room, he tested his blood sugar and it tested out at 212. He explained to me that he took an insulin dosage earlier before coming to our center and everything that he has tried on his own has not resulted in getting his blood sugar level below 120. He then experienced a very relaxing 2-hour EESession and his post blood sugar level had dropped to 108! Wow, he could not believe it. Three days later, he returned for two more sessions. This time he did not take an insulin dose before coming into his session and his sugar level was a 269. OUCH. He had the first 2-hour session and then left for lunch. He came back and had another 2-hour session and his post sugar level was an astonishing 112. This incredible result is all without insulin. Again, both visits resulted in sugar levels below 120 in the healthy range.
Kinder Kare Wellness Center - Ashville/Clyde, NC
"While working in Hawaii, I had the daily use of an EESystem. It helped me to recover from breast cancer and improved my eye sight. I felt relaxed, more confident and happier!"
Linda Greenslade - Colchester, UK
"I am so amazed at this remarkable technology that I want everyone to know about it. The benefits for health are enormous. The EESystem should be available to all."
"Due to various athletic injuries and reaching the age of 60, it has been very difficult for me to walk comfortably or stand for extended periods of time. However, after sleeping in the EESystem, I find that my joints are rejuvenated and it has a similar therapeutic effect to ice baths and massages."
Peter A. --Florida
"After consistent use of an EESystem, it was a true pleasure to discover at my yearly physical exam that I had significant improvements in both my vision and my blood, where my vision had improved from 20/25 to 20/20 and my blood measured at 70/90 LDH."
Alan M.
"After my first time in the EESystem, which was a session consisting of one hour, I experienced some drainage which led to my eyes clearing. Also, while in the system room, I could feel my right foot getting warm where I had broken it in the 90's and it would swell at the end of the day. Well, I'm happy to share that my right foot no longer swells and I have seen a vast improvement in my overall chronic inflammation."
Lisa, Arizona
Thank you very much that you healed my wife of a sickness. I feel you are like Mother Mary for me. And also, I admire you and I should model myself to your tender ways. Everyone has been doing well ever since you gave the healing.
Morimitsu Ozono, Hospital Director – Okinawa, Japan
"About a year ago, I was looking through some photographs that were taken of me at a family function. Several of the images depicted a proud new 'mommy' holding up her 7-month old son and unfortunately she still looked like she was 7 months pregnant. OUCH!! It was at that definitive moment that I decided to do something to improve my health but I was not sure what to do or how to go about doing it. I began a new diet regiment that seemed to help, but then a friend of mine shared with me the unique experience that she had in something called the Energy Enhancement System. Curiosity drove me to learn more about this quantum energy field system and of course, after reading all their research and testimonials, I was excited for the opportunity to give this a try. I have been struggling with weight issues since entering college and now after pregnancy, fad diets and high stress levels taking their toll…I thought to myself, 'could this really help me?' Well, I can honestly say that yes it can! And it did!! I am proud to say that I have lost over 40 lbs by drinking more alkalized water, eating more raw food, exercising and utilizing the EESystem. When the weight started to melt away, many family members and friends wanted to know what I was doing different to get these kind of results. At the time, I attributed my success to the diet and exercise. I later realized that the core source of my renewed vitality all stemmed from the ultimate rejuvenation that I have experienced in the EESystem. Now I have the energy to keep up with the many hats that I wear on a daily basis and I love the fact that I can be an excellent Mommy for my son while feeling like a kid myself. This truly fascinating technology has helped to bring my body back into balance and I feel more fulfilled as a mother, wife, professional and woman."
Sari Crews –Sebring, FL
In December 2009 I went to the internet to see if I could find something that would help, because the drugs just were not doing the job. I found some supplements on diabetes; the ad sounded good so I order, and tried them. After a few days of taking them I had fluid buildup in my lungs, a trip to the hospital, Congestive Heart Failure again. After recovery I got back in the same rut, so I thought I would try one more time. This time I came across an 86 year old "young man" that had a story that I could relate to very well. The most amazing thing was when you call about his supplements you talk directly to him. Mr. Ira Marxe, the first thing he told me was if I did not get off of so many drugs that I was taking that I would die. He also said I need to find a doctor who believes in alternative medicine and that I needed to find an EEsystem to go to in my area. This was so much information that I really could not comprehend it all and to be honest, did not understand what it was all about. I ordered Ira's supplements, and about one hour later, that same day Ira called me back and said he had found an EESystem in Clyde N.C., gave me the number to call and who to ask for. Clyde is about a two hour drive from my house and has the only system in North Carolina. What have I got to lose is what I asked myself so I called Steve and Brenda Kinder, owner and operators of the EESystem and Thermal Imaging full body scan along with Fred Hughes and set up an appointment to go check out the Scalar room. I was so weak at this point that I had to get my Brother in Law to drive me to Clyde where I met with Steve and Brenda they explained everything to me and I set in the system for four hours and returned home. The next day I did feel like I had more energy so I called to schedule another appointment. During this appointment, they explained to me about the thermal imaging and the importance of it and so I scheduled the scan too. When the results came back it showed that I needed to have my teeth fixed. I had already spent a lot of money on dental work. They explained that all dental work is not the same. They even gave me a list of the dentist who they recommended. I was amazed at the effect that the teeth have on the body. I have started getting the corrections made in my mouth.
Meanwhile, my heart replacement doctor keeps running test after test and saying that my heart pumping rate was not what it should be. So on January 28,2010, I had a heart catheter test scheduled, so on January 27th I called Steve and Brenda and made an appointment to set in the EESystem Scalar Room. I went to the hospital on the 28th was told they would go in my groin to my heart for the test. When they brought the paper work around for me to sign for the procedure, I signed the papers. In a little while the doctor came by and said they would be some changes in the procedure, that they were going in through the right side of my neck to my heart to check the pressure, that they would leave the tube in and insert an IV in my neck and I would go to ICU to have medication put into my heart, and if I did alright I would leave with the IV still in my neck and go home with instruction on how to inject the medication into the IV. This was so depressing, I told my wife that I did not bargain for this, we held hands and prayed. During the test the people conducting the test are not to say anything about how the test is going. At the end of the test I asked if it went well, they said we are not supposed to say anything, but they did say we don't think you have anything to worry about. They finished the test took out the tube and I went to recovery. The doctor came in and asked what I had I been doing differently I told him we had been praying a lot. He just shook his head and said something has changed the pressure readings in the right side of your heart in now good. My wife and I looked at each other and Thanked God and the EESystem for the good report.
I now have cut back on the drugs that I was taking and I'm no longer taking any insulin and I'm feeling much better. I now can go all day without a nap and I also was able this past weekend to play my trumpet in church (this alone is a miracle). I try to sit in the EESystem at least four hours weekly, more if possible. Now I also wear an EEMedallion that has been charged in the EESystem and I even sleep with it on. Just one more note: my best friend and dog (Sparky) also has diabetes and he is never more than five feet away from me when I'm at home and the medallion is suppose to be good for a five foot radius. Sparky also had a physical on February 12th and the only problem that he had was with his blood sugar readings were low, so we had to decrease his insulin too! Thanks to wonderful people like Mr. Ira Marxe form Arizona and Steve and Brenda Kinder, and Fred Hughes in Clyde, NC, I feel that I'm now on my way to a much longer and healthier life. Without the EESystem, the supplements and the dental work, my quality of life was going down so fast that I was ready to give up. Now I am able to drive myself to Clyde as I continue to get stronger and healthier. I give all Thanks to the Lord that led me in the right direction and is keeping me daily in the palm of his hand. There are still some great people out there who are willing to help others and I will forever be grateful to them."
Joe Brafford - North Carolina
"Derrick F. is a 10 year old boy with Autism. Child has had extensive chelation for 7 years: orally, rectally, transdermally, sublingual, and IV. Prior to EES results from ZYTO as well as NES showed no heavy metals, told by Practioner that "did a good job cleaning him up from heavy metals". ZYTO prior to EES showed lots of pesticides, toxic chemicals & prescription drugs (from bath water as this child only drinks r/o water and is not on any prescription drugs). 4 days post EES: ZYTO results show his body is excreting methyl mercury and antimony. Toxic chemicals, and prescription drugs dramatically reduced. Pesticides had most dramatic results as he showed 51 pesticides in his body prior to EES and only 1 pesticide post! This is only from (1) 2 hour session in EES."
Becky – Phoenix, AZ
"My Family and I visited Dr. Ber's office in AZ......We had four treatments with the EESystem...What a Great Healing experience.......Wonderful...:)"
"I'm a big supporter and endorser of Hon. Dr. Michael's work. Her bio-scalar technology is a great way to reach thousands who are suffering as a result of the food we eat, polluted environment we live in and toxins we are exposed to. I've been involved with this technology myself and have had several sessions with her and have seen positive, dramatic changes in my body. I have seen the blood tests myself on patients and the before and after results in ridding the body of disease are remarkable. Sandra Rose is on the cutting-edge of what one day I believe will be standard practice in curing disease. That old belief system that everything has to be done through surgery or drugs is not in keeping with the power each of us has to heal and align ourselves physically, spiritually and mentally using natural, alternative means. Nobody heals anyone; healing takes place within the body. Sandra Rose's work exemplifies that. It's all about body alignment. Often Western treatments produce worse effects than the disease. We're the only country in the world that allows advertising for prescription drugs on TV. Drugs don't cure diseases, they get people addicted. There is another way to help our bodies, mind and spirits achieve balance. The work that Sandra Rose is doing is so valuable, it allows us to go with-in to cure ourselves. We have to return to our nature."
Dr. Wayne Dyer, Renowned Author & Speaker
"I think it's time that more people knew Sandra Rose Michael. She truly wantes to help people on our planet achieve better lives through improved health. I have great respect for her as a woman and human being for all the help, advice and attention she offers. Her knowledge and generosity in helping people who have health problems has been nothing less than miraculous; she has changed people's lives. I have been involved in the alternative healing process for many years. The Energy Enhancement System is truly rejuvenation on a cellular level. Since I've used the system I have more clarity, focus, my skin is more radiant and it actually feels like the cells are pumped up. With all of the chaos going on about health care...it's time that we all learn how to participate in making certain that we receive the best health care available and alternative medicine is working miracles."
Linda Gray, Actress
EEReception Event ~ San Jose, Costa Rica - August 2010
"Wished I could be there with you to explain the dramatic results my body experienced after enhancing and accelerating the healing process with your EEsystems. The severed nerves thru my spine are almost all knit together again. Thank you Sandra, Michael, Anthony and EE"
"My clients are getting results 4 times faster with using the EESystem™. They are literally rejuvenating before my eyes!"
Derin Bepo, UK
"We were married in 2007 and couldn't wait to start a family. As I had Polysystic Ovary Syndrome we thought it may take a while and that we may need some medical intervention to help. After a few months of trying we were prescribed a medication to help with ovulation, although it was successful we never had any luck falling pregnant. Our next step was IVF.
We tried and tried again adding a few other therapies to the mix, being Acupuncture and Naturopathy. After seven cycles of IVF we never thought we were ever going to get there. Apart from the money we were spending on treatment the emotions of not being successful were really taking their toll. That is when a family friend introduced us to the EESystem and to Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. We spent a weekend in our friends home where he had the system set up and enjoyed relaxing while being excited to be trying something new. We talked with Sandra about many ways to improve our health to give us every chance of falling pregnant and improving our lives in general. I also spent some time with Sandra working on my body in many powerful ways.
After returning home we made many changes to improve our lifestyle and after only a few more cycles we were shocked and excited to discover that finally our wish had come true, we were having a baby! Three years of trying, we had now made it.
We are convinced that our time in the system and my session with Sandra made all the difference and we will always be grateful to both Peter and Sandra for their generous help and encouragement in helping us become a family."
Fiona & Craig Kelly
"I felt as though I was in a deep meditative space. I felt like a waterfall of all my recent experiences and confusions, old painful stuff too just seemed to move to the surface and resolve, as if I could simply be understanding and accepting and let it go. I wasn't on the endless cycle where you keep going over and over the same scenario and growing more and more distressed and confused. Emotionally I felt deeply comforted, and reassured. Towards the very end of the session I received a very clear and direct message, like I was hearing it over and over – value your own presence! When I was through, I felt positively electric, which subsided into a desire to relax, and take a broader perspective of all that was happening. It was a delicious mind, body and spirit high. I was looking down at some ongoing conflicts in my life and the answer for healing became very clear. If we could let go of all of our fear and need to control then we would have true love and faith. Also, I could "see" how much time and energy I wasted dwelling on the faults and shortcomings of situations and I think that the EES speeds up this healing process. Thank you, so what are the possibilities of setting up an EESystem out here?"
K. Natasha Vinson, Colorado
"I am so delighted with the 4 new baby whales (4 Unit EESystem) in our home. Sleeping in the system has brought about another level of profound clarity of vision and understanding with the technology. More and more falling in love with…it all! Thank you so much for bringing this planetary gift into 3D for the world to celebrate."
Grateful EESystem Owner
"Before using the system, I was getting double floaters 4 to 5 times a week and they were so debilitating that I could not drive. After my first time in the EES, the huge floaters that had impaired my vision for many years had disappeared!! My night vision dramatically improved and I was able to see fine print for the first time in ages without any optical assistance."
Dr. Rain Morgan, Arizona
"Thanks to the system, I'm in my 70's & I don't have any gray hair!"
Dr. Joseph McCready, MD, Arizona
"Being a diabetic, I sometimes felt like I was in a no-man's-land. I was only legally blind in one eye, but I really had difficulty seeing altogether...and I tried to adapt to my low vision as gracefully as possible and that was when a friend of mine told me about the EESystem. I was so excited to hear about his overall vision improvement that I thought about seriously giving this alternative therapy a shot.
I was delightfully surprised that after my first session in the system that not only was I seeing better, but my blood sugar level was 100 points lower! Following my next appointment, the eye that I was legally blind in...I was able to see fuzzy images for the first time in over a year! Also, I was not sure if my good eye had improved until the next day after my session, I was instructed to go home a take a sea salt bath and much to my amazement, I felt stronger, more relaxed and I could read the newspaper without my glasses. I am pleased to share that resulting from a total of only 8 hours in the EESystem, I'm seeing & sleeping better and I've cut my insulin dosages in HALF!
I feel that a miracle has happened to me, because my ophthalmologist diagnosed my condition as permanent and now I can thankfully say that my vision loss is not permanent, in fact, it's reversing without drugs or laser treatments! This technology has given me hope that one day I'll regain my independence to drive a car again and cease taking any insulin!"
John Cross, Florida
"This is probably the best prostate treatment in the world."
Dr. Joseph McCready, MD & Retired Surgeon, Arizona
"I have been wearing glasses for nearsightedness for 45 years. This last time that I went for an eye exam my Optometrist said that my eyes had gotten better! He said that, generally speaking, nobody's eyes get better, but that mine sure had! I give credit to our EE System for this great news! We've had our system for a little bit over a year now. Also, the floaters that I used to experience in my eyes are gone. Thanks so much Sandra!"
Rebecca Meyer
"I had been working outside in my gardens and came in to take a shower before dinner. Well, I rounded the corner and snagged my foot on the chair that is always there, but this time I broke my foot. Man did it hurt. The doctor at the emergency room set my foot and gave me instructions to have a follow-up the next week with a podiatrist. In between going to the ER and then seeing the podiatrist for the follow-up, I stayed in our EE System as much as I could because the pain was so much less in there. When I went to the podiatrist for the follow-up exam 10 days later he x-rayed my foot again to compare with the x-rays they took at the ER. He was very very surprised when he looked at the x-rays he took. He said that he could not believe that my foot had ever been broken because from looking at the x-rays that they just took, there was no sign whatsoever of any swelling or any break at all. AMAZING!"
JR Fleming
"Eight years ago I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease, lead poisoning, asthma, Central Nervous System damage, high blood pressure, and multiple chemical sensitivities resulting from chemical injury, occupational environment poisoning, body burden overload.
I was having to wear a respirator just about every where I went, even at home inside sometimes, and especially outside in the yard. Fumes from neighbors doing laundry just about would kill me. I would get out of breath just walking outside to get the mail. Some days I could not speak and think at the same time. I had trouble walking and talking at the same time. Going to a grocery store or the mall was something I was just not able to do. I couldn't even enjoy visiting with my grandkids. Some days my whole body would shake. The bad days were really bad. The good days were very rare.
I have tried all kinds of other therapies, but nothing at all had ever helped me to deal with the chemical sensitivities, other than practicing avoidance, which, in reality, meant my living like a hermit, staying away from everybody and everything, changing my diet to exclude all processed foods, and even more restrictions. We had had to detox the entire house, and I'll tell you, most people are 100% clueless as to what all that entails, not going into all the ramifications of it at this time. http://www.mcs-global.org/, of which I am the Georgia State Coordinator, has plenty of information about multiple chemical sensitivities for anyone who is truly interested.
A couple years ago a friend insisted that I go with her to a demo of an EE SYSTEM, a healing energy wave system. Fortunately I was having a decent day and so I was able to go with her.
When we got there it was this room with a bunch of computers in it. I thought, what the heck is this? Then I sat in the room and just relaxed. I was amazed at how clean the air seemed to be and really surprised by how well I was able to breath, for a change. Well, I went back for more treatments over the course of a couple months and really did begin to feel better. My energy level more than doubled. I was beginning to be able to get around without having to wear a respirator all the time.
About a year and a half ago we decided to have a 4-unit EE System installed here at the house. This EE System is the best detox there is, ever. Believe me when I say, this has been no overnight miracle cure. For someone with as many serious illnesses as I have, it takes time. However, I am now able to go for a walk around my neighborhood without wearing a respirator, as long the laundry fumes are not too thick. I can now spend about 20 minutes at a time in the grocery store without having to wear a respirator. I am now able to visit my grandchildren without having to wear a respirator. I still get sick a lot of the time from environmental pollution but the detox is so much faster!"
Thank You So Much Dr. Michael! Your healing energy system is giving me my life back!"
Julie Moore, Tucker, GA, USA
"I lost 10 pounds in the first 14 days of acquiring the EESystem!"
Dr. Betty Furr, Sutton Place, NYC
"Dear Dr. Michael,
In November of 2010, I had the pleasure of having Lee Rueter and his parents, Randy and Anna, come to spend time in my 4 unit Energy Enhancement System in my home in Plymouth, Minnesota.
Lee is 11 years old and he is deaf in both ears. At age 3, Lee had his first cochlear implant operation. Several years later, Lee had the operation on his other ear.
When Lee first came into the EESystem, he got the biggest smile on his face. He simply thought "it was very cool". Lee was in the system for several hours. In that time I could see that he was more calm and peaceful.
I gave Lee paper and ink for drawing. While Lee was drawing, his mother Anna said, "I have bought every kind of crayon, colored pencil, and magic marker there is, and who would think that it would take a glass pen and ink to get him to draw."
The next day Anna called me and told me that Lee was more calm and that his hands were not shaking as much as they normally do; and Anna attributed this calmness to Lee being in the system.
Below is a photo of me and Lee and his drawing that he drew on his first visit.
Please share this story with everyone, I want people to know how much our children benefit from the Energy Enhancement System."
Terri Ericson, Plymouth, Minnesota
"Tumor the size of a grapefruit removed 4 weeks ago from ileo-cecal area. Ten feet of intestines removed. Pathology report June 19 - 2nd metabolic tumor approx. 3" in size in same area. 50/50 possibilities of survival. Scheduled for aggressive chemo beginning the 2nd week of July.
June 27 - I gave her a rose quartz EES Medallion and your CD meditation Healing Journey through the Body. We spent about 3 hours with psycho-somatic dialogue and forgiveness, and cranial hands-on for balancing conciousness/belief systems. She listened to the CD at bedtime for 2 consecutive nights.
June 29 - PET Scan reveals no secondary tumor or metastasis of any kind. Everything clean except for gallstones, lesion on bladder and spleen.
RE: EES MEDALLION - When she received the medallion it was pink. The next day it turned white. The 3rd day she stated it turned a purplish color. Today, the 4th day, it's pink again. She's had difficulty sleeping in the past. All nights since the 27th, she's sleeping more deeply.
medical system inaccuracy??? or, A MIRACLE?"
"The medallion is amazing! Maybe that's why my heart is also doing fine!"
"My experience was wonderful! On a typical day, no matter how great my energy, I would routinely suffer through my yoga class, but this time... I immediately noticed that my strength and stamina had greatly improved! I felt stronger and more calm. I slept through the entire 2-hour duration of my second visit to the System and next time, I plan to bring my husband along. He still thinks that ALL of this is 'make believe', so I can't wait to make a believer out of him!!"
Liz, Florida
"Thank you EESystem for creating such a wonderful product! Since purchasing my Jade Medallion, I have more energy, mental focus and my chronic Migraines have disappeared!!"
Please Note: The statements in this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials should be viewed as observations by individuals and not factual information.